Google Workspace Made Easy

I help small business owners understand how to use Google Workspace in their business through tailored 1:1 consulting, easy-to-follow online courses, and step-by-step video tutorials.

Google Workspace Made Easy

I help small business owners understand how to use Google Workspace in their business through tailored 1:1 consulting, easy-to-follow online courses, and step-by-step video tutorials.

Boost your business efficiency with Google Workspace

Maybe you’re already using a lot of the Google Workspace apps but you’re not quite sure how they all fit together.

Or perhaps you stick to Gmail & Calendar and that’s it, but you’re a little bit curious as to what the other apps can do and how they can help your business be a bit more streamlined.

If you’re:

  • Tired of avoiding the 2356 unread emails in your Gmail inbox
  • Sick of trawling through duplicate files and unnamed docs in your Google Drive
  • Sure there’s a better way to integrate Google Workspace with the rest of your tech tools but you’ve got no clue how to start so you just push it to the bottom of the list for another day.

That’s where I come in…

I’m Sharon and I show small business owners and solopreneurs how to use Google Workspace to become more productive and more organised with simple step-by-step videos, tailored 1:1 sessions, and online courses.

I’ll solve your Google Workspace challenges and help you get the most from all the Google apps, creating a workspace that’s clear, uncluttered and totally under your control.

I’m all about keeping things simple, so whatever your situation, I’m here to help you understand how to use Google Workspace without all the confusing techy speak.

“I am so overjoyed at the ‘simple things’ that Sharon teaches that are life transforming for me and my business”

What do you want to do next?

Done With You

Tailored 1:1 coaching sessions to help you gain the knowledge, skills, & confidence you need to get the most out of your Google Workspace.

Done By You

Easy to follow video tutorials, online courses and mini classes to help you get to grips with using Google Workspace in your business.

Boost your productivity with my Google Workspace tips

Sign up for my fortnightly Ninja Notes and receive step-by-step walk-throughs and tutorials, essential Google hacks, exclusive offers, and top tips for boosting your productivity with Google Workspace.

When you sign up, you’ll also receive my handy PDF guide: 10 Simple Steps to a more Organised Drive!

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Which version of Google Workspace do you use? *

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“Sharon has made it so simplified you won’t get to hear tech jargon that will intimidate you whatsoever.”

Zy Hong, Get Seen More

Watch & learn: Free, simple Google Workspace video tutorials for busy business owners