When you’re working in a Google doc, the pages are defaulted to portrait, but you might need one of those pages to be in landscape – for example if you have an image or table that looks better in landscape. Luckily Google Docs makes it really easy to change, here’s how…

First highlight/select the text or image that you want to be on the landscape page.

shows text and image highlighted in a Google doc

Then right-click your mouse, and choose Change page to landscape

shows menu of options with arrow pointing to

This will move the selected text / image on to a new landscape page – how easy was that? :)

Doc showing mix of portrait and landscpae pages

Google Docs will automatically insert a section break before and after this new page. To view the section breaks, click on View on the top toolbar, then click Show non-printing characters

shows menu of View options with arrow pointing to

You’ll now see the section breaks before and after the landscape page…

document showing section breaks

It’s the same if you have pages that are landscape and you want to change one into portrait – follow the same steps above and when you right-click your mouse, choose Change page to portrait instead.

Job done :)